1. Kim Ryeowook:
* Dia punya ciuman pertama ketika ia berusia 7 tahun
* Dia tidak pernah membawa payung
* Dia mudah menangis
* Dia pandai sekali bermain piano
* Dia kehilangan sepatu pada saat Miracle kinerja
* Dia bisa tidur sampai 18 jam sehari
* Dia tidak pernah menyetrika celana jeans yang baru dibeli
* Dia punya tahi lalat di pipi kanannya
* Dia menulis KangIn dan logo radio Yesung lagu
* Dia adalah peminum terberat ke-4 diantara 13 anggota
* Dia anggota ke-2 paling keluar setelah KangIn
2. Park Jung Soo (Leeteuk) :
* Dia suka bermain piano
* Dia suka mengarang lagu
* Leeteuk berarti ‘khususia adalah malaikat tanpa sayap, karna itu warna favoritnya putih
* Heechul memberinya julukan ‘peterpan’, karna ia tidak mau tumbuh biasa
* menurut ELF, dia adalah “terpanas” dan cutest malaikat di bumi
3. Lee Sung Min
* Warna Favoritnya merah mudah (pink)
* Dia anemia
* Dia jago seni bela diri
* Ketika ia diminta untuk menyelesaikan kalimat “Super Junior” dia menjawab “Tema taman”
* Dia pernah berencana untuk mengubah warna pakaian, tetapi ada terlalu banyak merah muda sehingga ia memutuskan untuk tidak menggantinya
* Dia adalah Raja Labu
* Dia paling jago memainkan gitar
4. Lee Hyuk Jae (Eunhyuk) :
* Dia adalah ‘mesinnya menari’ Super Junior
* Dia cengeng
* Makanan kesukaannya adalah pisang, itu sebabnya dia dipanggil Monkey
* Dia adalah teman dekat Xiah Junsu dari TVXQ. Mereka pergi ke sekolah dasar yang sama
5. Cho Kyuhyun :
* Dia maknae (bungsu) dari Super Junior
* Dia mendapat cedera yang terburuk pada kecelakaan terakhir pada tahun 2007
* Dia memiliki omongan yang pedas (jika ia marah)
* Banyak penggemar ingin membelikan tempat tidur karna dia tidak memilikinya
* Nama panggilannya adalah Kyu. Pangeran Kyu, Shy Kyu. Dia memiliki lebih dari 50 nama panggilan
6. Kim Jong Woon (Yesung) :
* Musim gugur adalah musim favoritnya
* Dia ingin pergi ke Kanada
* Warna favoritnya merah
* Dia memiliki jari-jari kecil
* Dia anggota yang paling cerewet, bahkan dia pernah berbicara 2 jam nonstop di sebuah acara. Alhasil bagiannya dipotong 90%
* Nama panggungnya ‘Yesung’ berarti ‘Art of Voice’
7. Kim Ki Bum :
* Member Super Junior yang memiliki ‘Senyum Pembunuh’ (cewek yang melihat langsung klepek2)
* Dia dilahirkan di Seoul, tapi dia pindah ke California pada usia 10 tahun
* Sementara di California, dia bersekolah di Los Angeles
* Dia suka kucing, kelinci, dan jeruk
* Dia tidak suka apel, tikus, musim panas, musim gugur, dan angka 9.
* Heechul memberinya julukan ‘Snow White’
8. Kim Hee Chul :
* Dia memiliki kucing Biru Rusia
* Nama panggilannya Han Jae Hee Bum
* Nama panggilannya adalah ‘Cinderella’
* Warna favoritnya merah, merah muda, dan hitam
* Sahabatnya adalah Yunho dari TVXQ
9. Han Geng/Han Kyung :
* Dia adalah satu-satunya anggota dari Cina
* Dia adalah leader Super Junior M
* Warna Favorit Hitam
* Dia selalu membawa kamus cina-korea
* Dia adalah Mr. Beijing nasi goreng Super Junior
* Dia tidak tahu apapun kata Korea saat dia tiba di Korea
10. Kim Young Woon (Kang In) :
* Dia adalah pria tampan no. 1 di Korea (menurutnya)
* Anya memberinya julukan Rakun (sejenis bajing/musang)
* Dia adalah orang yang keras, tapi dia benar-benar orang yang berhati hangat
11. Shin Dong Hae (Shindong) :
* Dia adalah boneka beruang Super Junior
* Dia adalah ‘Koreografer’ Super Junior
* Dia fleksibel
* Dia selalu jafi kompor di Super Junior
* Dia ingin sebuah mobil sport
* Warna favoritnya ungu
12. Choi Si Won :
* Nama panggilannya adalah simba & kaku
* Dia selalu melakukan gerakan tangan
* Dia adalah pengawal Super Junior
* Awards : Sexiest Guy di Korea
* Dia adalah pemegang sabuk hitam taekwondo
13. Lee Dong Hae :
* Dia teman dekatnya Yunho dari TVXQ
* Sayang anak-anak
* Sayang anak anjing
* Suka makanan Laut
* Ketika ia masih dalam kelompok O-Kay , Xiah Junsu dan Hyuk Jae bercanda mengatakan kepadanya bahwa ia resmi menjadi selebriti dan hidupnya beserta dirinya akan berubah. setelah ia mendengarnya, ia berdiri keluar dan mTambah Gambarenangis. ( waahh donghae cute) hehe ..
* Dia suka Song Hye Gyo
* Dia senang dipanggil Pangeran
SuJu Fact !
SHINee Fact !
1. Taemin suka diomelin sama Key gara-gara Taemin suka kedip-kedip kalau udah di depan kamera..*haha*
2. Key punya 3 item spongebob di kamarnya dan punya 5 tindikan di tubuhnya tapi lupa semua ada dimana aja
3. Taemin sering banget dapat hadiah yang mirip jamur, gara-gara rambutnya yang kaya jamur. Taemin menganggap Minho sang master plus guru PS (PlayStation), soalnya Minho lah yang ngajarin Taemin maen Winning Eleven,, *ntu permainan bola di PS
4. Key pernah seneng banget karena di kasih hadiah Kunci mobil sama fansnya, tapi setelah itu dia sadar, kalo itu cuma kunci dan gag ada mobilnya, Key akhirnya mikir, “Oh, mungkin karena namaku Key” LOL
5. Kalau 4 member SHINee itu cewe Onew bakalan ngajak Jonghyun buat kencan, tapi kalo dia yang jadi cewe dia bakalan ngajak Key buat jadi pacarnya. Tapi Key sendiri ogah ama Onew soalnya Key sukanya ama Taemin. wkwkwk
6. Onew kalo tidur selalu miring-mirng dan anggota tubuh yang paling di banggakan adalah Suara.
7. Onew suka ketawa –ketawa didepan kamera dan suka NG kalo lagi syuting, dan susah banget fokusnya, kalo udah gitu Key bakalan ngomel lamaaaaa banget, karena kesel harus syuting berulang-ulang
8. Key seneng banget sama TaeMin, buktinya dia suka gendong2 Taemin. Taemin suka takut ama Key soalnya takut Key suka beneran ama dia,, hahahahha
9. Walau Key bawel Onew bilang Key punya selera Fashion yang paling keren,
10. Dengan konyol nya pas ditanya,siapa yang mirip dengan kamu? Onew akan menjawab “Orang tuaku Lah” dan para member pada bengong denger jawaban Onew.
11. Kalau lagi ngeliat toko Chiki Onew akan selalu berhenti dan minta dibeliin snack apa ajah yang penting snack kata dia,Onew emang seneng banget ama snack.
12. Yang engga bisa dilupakan Jonghyun saat fans membuatkan dia banner yang sangat besar bertuliskan ‘JONGHYUN’, panjangnya hampir 1 meter. Jonghyun langsung terharu ngelihat itu karena engga tega ngelihat fansnya ngegotong-gotong banner segitu gedenya.
13. Yang biasa dilakukan Jonghyun kalo engga ada kerjaan adalah mendengarkan musik….menonton film,atau Cuma tidur-tiduran.
14. Walaupun sampai sekarang Jonghyun gag punya pacar tapi dia janji akan memperlakukannya dengan baik kalau punya pacara nanti dan dia paling sayang sama kakak perempuannya *sekarang sih udah punya pacar*
15. Key bilang dia engga punya panutan tapi dia maunya jadi panutan dan saat sekolah Key bilang selalu jadi murid biasa dan engga neko-neko.
16. Cara terampuh Minho kalo lagi stess adalah berolahraga, bermain sepakbola dan basket
17. Dengan bijaksana Minho bilang kalau pesona karismatiknya saat ia memperlihatkan kepada orang-orang kalau dia bekerja dengan keras
18. Andai masih bisa hidup 10 tahun lagi keinginan teraneh Taemin cuma mau lebih tinggi
19. Saat ibunya mau hamil Taemin, ibunya Taemin pernah mimpiin katak yang sangat besar
20. Walau sibuk Onew tetap bisa bisa pertahanin nilainya di sekolah dan rangking terbaiknya adalah rangking 2 untuk seluruh sekolah dan kelas. WAAAWWW!! *pinter bener oppa yang satu ini*
21. Key adalah ibunya para member SHINee soalnya paling bawel, sangking bawelnya Taemin ampe bilang dia amit-amit punya emak kaya Key,,
22. Key pinter masak. Tapi dia engga bisa nyuci beras,dia selalu bingung, gimana cara nyuci beras.. Key masih aneh, kenapa beras kalo dicuci engga bersih2,, *Lah emang beras kalo dicuci warnanya gag bisa bening,, putih kaya susu,, hahah dasar Key*
23. Kalo ketemu paranormal Minho pengen banget bisa lihat hantu, itu impian teranehnya,dia bilang dia pernah lihat setan, tapi Cuma 1, makanya dia pingin lihat lagi,
24. Masa terburuk Onew saat trainee, soalnya disaat semuanya ada kemajuan, orang-orang bilang dia gag ada kemajuan,,
25. Onew ngaku kalau dia terlalu polos bahkan sangking polosnya dia bilang belum pernah pacaran ..???
26. Onew demen banget niruin suara donal bebek,, dan kegirangan minta ampun saat ada snack dan yogurt yang mirip namanya,,
27. Walau nama mandarin Onew adalah Wen Liu, tapi dia engga ngakuin kalo itu namanya, dia bilang “Nama aku itu Onew titik”
28. Taemin sering di bullying ama temen-temen sekolahnya gara-gara dia itu artis makanya kalo disekolah dia lebih suka makan sendirian.
29. Taemin bilang first kissnya itu sama robotnya dan Taemin bisa mainin piano dengan keren
30. Key paling sebel sama cewe yang dandannya kelamaan dia akan bilang “Ya,udah tampil apa adanya aja!”
31. Key suka banget sama yang namanya nulis diary dan pengen banget nyari ke toko kaset SHINee sendirian
32. Jonghyun paling sering ngambil jatah Onew kalo lagi ngomong soalnya Onew kalo ngomong mikirnya lama, makanya kadang Onew sebel ama Jonghyun
33. Jonghyun member yang bangun paling pagi ia bangga bukan main ama kebiasaannya ini, tapi paling sebel kalau disuruh ngebangunin Minho yang raja tidur
34. Jonghyun anti makan makanan instan bakal begadang semalaman buat mempersiapkan segala sesuatunya kalau udah punya acara besok. Hebat maen bass, gitar , dan piano. Suka ngigau sambil nyanyi.
35. Dengan bijaknya Onew bilang “Aku yakin setiap orang punya kekurangan dan kelebihan masing-masing. Aku menyukai cewek yang menerimaku apa adanya” *Aih,, abang Onew..
36. Tanda-tanda Jonghyun lagi gugup adalah ngomongnya cepet banget kaya kereta ekspress
37. Taemin selalu membawa permen ditasnya yang selalu dilabeli tulisan SHINee,yang tentunya dia tulis sendiri, dan dia bakalan ngasih permennya ke fans Noona yang ia temui,
38. Banyak yang bilang TaeMin imut tapi dia sama sekali ga mau dibilang imut, kalo ada yang bilang di imut dia akan ngadu ke member lainnya dan bilang “Kenapa semua bilang aku imut? Aku itu manly hyung..” dan para Hyungnya hanya nganguk-nganguk..
39. ONEW : “ Sejujurnya di antara semua member, yang paling mendekati sempurna adalah AKU!!”
40. Minho berani ditantang gag kedip selama 3 menit,,ckckck dia yakin 100% kalo dia bakalan menang telak..
41. Key pernah disuruh nyetak tangannya di sebuah meja di sebuah acara, tapi dia malah nandatanganin mejanya bukan nyetak tangannya, dia malu banget dan buru2 nyetak tangannya,, dan member SHINee yang lain Cuma geleng-geleng
42. Artis Favorit member SHINee Onew : Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, pokoknya penyanyi pop lawas lah, Jonghyun : Neyo, Chris Brown. Neyo , Key : Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake. Kalo cewek dia suka Madonna, Britney Spears, n Lady Gaga. Minho : Justin Timberlake, Usher Kalo yang dari Korea dia suka DBSK, Super Junior, ama Shinhwa. Taemin : Michael Jackson dan sedih banget pas idolanya meninggal
43. Key akan ngajak pacarnya Shopping kalo dia punya pacar soalnya Key suka banget Shopping,
44. Onew pernah nyanyi Can’t Shed My Tears di radio dengan piano. Semuanya pada terharu-haru sampe nangis karena sangking terkesimanya, tapi ditengah-tengah Onew malah nyengir-nyengir. Buyar lah semua… Onew cengar-cengir soalnya dia bingung kenapa suma pada sedih,, *halah Onew,, gubrak…*
45. Hal yang paling dibenci member SHINee, Onew sebel ama nyamuk,soalnya kalo gigit badan onew pasti bentol.. Jonghyun anti banget ama yang namanya panas, dia bilang musim dingin lebih baik..Minho paling sebel ama kata kalah soalnya dia bilang pasti akan selalu menang, Key paling gag suka maa wortel.. dia benci ama wortel dan jangan sekali-kali nanya alesannya, Key paling akan bilang “Mana aku tahu” Taemin sebelnya ama serangga.. sama kaya onew dia gag suka ama nyamuk, bukan karena takut bentol tapi karena kalo Taemin mau nangkep nyamuk selalu gag berhasil.
46. Dalam sebuah wawancara Key pernah bilang “Tolong kalian semua jangan terpengaruh dengan imejku yang cool. Walaupun imejku ini terlihat orang yang cool, tapi sebenarnya aku orang yang ceplas ceplos, dan aku senang berbagi kebahagiaan kepada semua orang”
47. Entah mungkin sangking merdunya suara Key, Jessica SNSD pernah meneteskan air mata ketika berduet dengan Key dengan lagu Barby Girl.
48. Waktu masih muda Key pernah belajar di Los Angeles, California (AS) makanya dia pinter bahasa inggris.
49. Member yang paling serem kalo lagi marah adalah Onew, kalo udah marah, semua member pasti akan diam membatu seribu bahasa, mangut-mangut dengerin sang leader marah, tapi dasar Key, dia selalu bercanda kalo Onew lagi marah, dan emang Cuma Key lah yang bisa meluluhkan hati Onew,, halah
50. Onew kalo tidur akan nutupin semua tubuhnya pake selimut, dia engga suka ama sinar lampu, dan alhasil setiap bangun Onew basah kuyup karena keringet, dan terakhir, onew anti anak kecil,,bukan anti si sebenernya,, dia bilang dia takut gag bisa ngediemin kalo ada anak kecil yang nangis, buktinya bisa dilihat di SHINee Hello Baby
Yoon Shi Yoon [Profile]
Profession: Actor
Birthdate: 1986-Sep-26
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Height: 178cm
Star sign: Libra
Talent agency: Taxi Entertainment
Yoon Si Yoon was born as Yoon Dong Goo, a name he used until his agency recommended an official change of name upon his entry into college.
Although High Kick Through The Roof is Si Yoon’s acting debut, his first screen appearance was in a variety show, Introducing A Star’s Friend, as the friend of actor and F.T Island member Lee Hong Ki.
Dramas :
Baker King, Kim Tak Goo (KBS2, 2010)
High Kick Through The Roof (MBC, 2009)
Movie :
Gosa / Death Bell 2 (2010)
Award :
2009 MBC Entertainment Awards: Best Comedy/Sitcom Couple Award (with Shin Se Kyung in High Kick Through The Roof)
CFs / Endorsements :
1. KT Tech Bubi Bubi 부비부비 Phone (EV-W700) (with T-ara Ji Yeon) - 2010
2. Dunkin' Donuts 던킨도너츠 - 2010
3. NII (Casual clothing brand - with Jung Yong Hwa) - 2010
4. Kkaseuhwalmyungsu 까스활명수 (Energy drink) - 2009
Bread, Love and Dream
Judul Asli: Jeppangwang Kim Tak Goo
English Title: Baker King, Kim Tak Goo/ Bread, Love and Dream
Genre: Romance
Episode: 30
Sutradara: Han Joon Seo
Penulis Naskah: Kang Eun Kyung
Produksi: KBS2
Tayang: 9 Juni 2010
Dua belas tahun kemudian, Tak Goo muncul lagi pada acara pesta ulang tahun Tua Goo dan mengumumkan dirinya sebagai anak sah Goo In Jong. Akan tetapi, karena campur tangan In-seok, lagi2 Tak Goo diusir dari rumah itu. Pada saat sulit inilah, Tak Goo bertemu dengan guru sejatinya, Pal Bong, dan cinta sejatinya, Yang Mi Seon.
Mulai saat itulah, Tak Goo memutuskan untuk menjalani kehidupan dan baru dan mewujudkan impiannya untuk menjadi Pembuat Roti nomer satu di dunia. Akan tetapi, perjalanan untuk meraih sukses itu sebab Tak Goo bertemu lagi dengan pacar pertamanya dan saudara tirinya Goo Ma Joon.
The Cast of Bread, Love and Dream:
Yoon Shi Yoon as Kim Tak Goo
Oh Jae Moo as Kim Tak Goo muda
Eugene as Shin Yoo Kyung
Jo Jung Eun as Shin Yoo Kyung muda
Jun Kwang Ryul as Goo Il Jong
Jun In Hwa as Seo In Sook
Joo Won as Goo Ma Joon
Shin Dong Woo as Goo Ma Joon (muda)
Choi Ja Hye as Goo Ja Kyung
Ha Seung Ri as Goo Ja Kyung (muda)
Choi Yoon Young as Goo Ja Rim
Kim So Hyun as Goo Ja Rim (muda)
Jang Hang Sun as Oh Doo Yong / Master Pal Bong
Park Sang Myun as Yang In Mok
Hwang Mi Sun as Oh Young Ja
Lee Young Ah as Yang Mi Sun
Jung Sung Mo as Han Seung Jae
Jun Mi Sun as Kim Mi Sun (Ibu Tak Goo)
Lee Han Wie as Heo Gap Soo
Park Sung Woong as Jo Jin Goo
Park Yong Jin as Go Jae Bok
Kim Jung Hak as Doctor Yoon
Jun Sung Ae as Wanita dari Gongju
Jung Hye Sun as Madam Hong
Choi Il Hwa as Park Choon Bae
Kim Sun Hwa
Kwon Yong Woon as Shin Bae (Ayah Yoo Kyung)
Kim Hyun Ah as Ibu Yoo Kyung
Jun Sung Hwan
Choi Eun Suk
Byun Shin Ho
Jun Hae Ryong
2NE1’s newest track, “Don’t Stop The Music”!
2NE1 wrapped up their promotions not too long ago, and it seems like these ladies have to be dragged out kicking and screaming from the studio if someone ever told them to take a break.
Their latest track, “Don’t Stop The Music“, was created to be the theme song for a Yamaha CF – Yamaha developed a new scooter designed exclusively for their female clientele called, the “Yamaha Fiore“.
Interestingly enough, the CF is to be released in Thailand, and if there’s a hot enough response to the song, 2NE1 may visit the country and promote there!
Check out the sample for the sexy new track below!
SHINee Reveals Solo Concert Poster!
Having changed venue and dates in response to the hot demand for SHINee’s first solo concert, SM Entertainment is mixing in more hype after they revealed the promotional poster today. The poster features the SHINee boys sitting on a sofa side-by-side with a myraid of expressions, donning outfits with different shades of colors in an art gallery setting. The concert is scheduled for January 1st and 2nd at Seoul’s Olympic Stadium, and tickets will go on sale on November 30th at 8:00PM KST via Gmarket. Tickets are sold on a ‘first-come, first-serve’ basis and are expected to be sold out in mere seconds after the window opens.
Barbie Hsu Confirms She is Married !
It’s official! Barbie Hsu (Da S) made the announcement through her management company earlier today. She and Wang Xiao Fei were indeed married on the 16th in Beijing. They released a photo that was taken at the marriage registration office, as well as a statement from Da S. In the brief message, she even shot back at Dee Hsu (Xiao S) who previously said Wang looks just like her husband Mike, but not as good-looking.
Here is Barbie Hsu's message:
P.S. The handsomeness of my husband is no less than my brother-in-law (referring to Dee Hsu’s husband.)
Da S
Happy Birthday Aaron Yan 炎亚纶 ! ♥
Today is November 20, 2010
♥ Happy 24th Birthday to You , 炎亚纶 ~ 20 . 11 . 1986 ~ ♥
Brown Eyed Girls to make their comeback in January 2011
Yet another reason to look forward to the new year!
The management agency for Brown Eyed Girls, Nega Network, released a statement recently about their activities as a group. “Currently, they’re working on their album, and they plan to make a comeback in January of next year,” the representative stated.
They added, “The members have been busy these days with their solo activities, and although they’ve had some great results, they plan to meet their fans as a group next year.”
The upcoming album will be their 4th. Fans are already in a state of high anticipation since their last single, “Sign“, was released a year and 3 months ago. The girls, knowing that they’ve got some high expectations to meet, are reportedly working hard on ensuring that their release will be a success.
Lena Park to make a comeback + duet performance with Onew
After taking a temporary break in order to focus on her academics, Lena Park (Park Jung Hyun) will finally return to the stage with a new special album! Titled “Cover Me Vol. 1“, the album is scheduled to release on November 18th, and will contain her previous hit tracks from the 1st to her 3rd album.
Additionally, during the recording for MBC’s “Beauty Concert“, Park Jung Hyun performed a duet track with SHINee’s Onew. In order to put on a stellar collaboration with Park Jung Hyun, Onew squeezed in as much time as he could to prepare for the performance, despite his already crammed schedule.
At the ‘Beauty Concert’, Park Jung Hyun performed “Vincent” as well as a swing version of “You Mean Everything To Me.” She and Onew later serenaded the audience with Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat’s “Lucky.”
MBC’s ‘Beauty Concert’ will air on November 20th, but in the meantime, check out this fancam of the duet performance! (…unfortunately Lena is nowhere to be found in it, since the camera holder appears to be an avid Onew fan, but we’ll update later with another video!).
SuJu Members to MC Own Talk Show, ‘Super Junior’s Foresight’
Super Junior are set to become MCs for their very own talk show.
“Four Super Junior members, including Lee Teuk, Eunhyuk and Kyu Hyun will lead a new talk show on MBC Every1, to be titled “Super Junior’s Foresight,” said a representative of the production team on November 18th.
According to the representative, the program will utilize a concept of inviting different stars every week, and will discuss their secret know-hows.
“Super Junior’s Foresight” will air its pilot broadcast this coming December 5th.
B2ST thanks their fans on their 400th day since debut
Six member idol group B2ST thanked their fans in celebration of their 400th day since their debut.
The group debuted in October 2009 with the album “Beast is the B2ST”, and went on to release their singles, “Mystery,” “Shock,” and “Breath“. They’ve recently returned to the industry with their fourth mini-album, which features the tracks, “Lights Go on Again” and “Beautiful.”
Fans left congratulatory messages on Twitter saying, “B2ST congratulations on 400 days,” “After debuting on October 16th, 2009, a year has already passed, and now it’s already 400 days,” “Please be with us ‘beauties’ until you die,” and “B2ST Forever!”
Member Lee Ki Kwang tweeted in response, “Whoa 400 days… Has time already passed this much. Please support us in the future.”
Yoon Doo Joon also posted, “400 days! Time is so fast… The days are getting colder so let’s stick together,” while Yang Yoseob stated, “We started the day early so this day will be long again, but thinking that we’ve spent the past 400 days fully, I’m not tired at all! Thank you and thank you! Please stay with us in the future as well, okay?”
In further news, B2ST will be debuting in Japan on the 27th of November.
SHINee’s solo concert gets a new venue due to explosive interest
It was reported recently that SHINee’s solo concert will have a new date and location.
On November 19th, a representative from SM Entertainment revealed, ‘It has been decided that SHINee will have a concert on January 1st and 2nd at Seoul’s Olympic Stadium.‘
The original dates for the SHINee concert were for December 18th and 19th, but the venue was changed to accomodate fans from both Korea and Asia, due to an explosive interest in the concert.
Tickets will be on sale on November 31st at 8:00PM KST via Gmarket.
Sneak peek at SHINee’s Minho and Han Ji Hye’s “Pianist” drama special
We reported a week ago that SHINee’s Minho would be making his acting debut alongside actress Han Ji Hye for a special one episode KBS drama series, titled, ‘Pianist‘.
The filming set at a piano factory in Incheon was opened to the press on the evening of November 18th, as a first-hand sneak peek of what is to come was previewed.
Minho plays a piano prodigy who has to keep his talents under lock due to various circumstances, but when he comes across a piano teacher, played by Han Ji Hye, his talents emerge as they begin a love story together.
This will mark Han Ji Hye’s return to a local drama after a two year absence since “East of Eden“, while Minho will be making his acting debut in a lead role.
Due to the 16th Asian Games broadcast, the drama special will air on December 4th instead.
B2ST unleashes ‘Beautiful’ MV!
After teasing their fans with two videos, one for their mini-album introduction, ‘Lights Go On Again’, and another for their title-track, ‘Beautiful‘, B2ST has finally revealed their official MV for “Beautiful”!
Fans already got a taste of what the group’s choreography will look like through their performance at the ‘Love Sharing Concert’ last weekend, but they can still enjoy more of the members’ cute and lovable images through the MV which is just over 7 minutes and with a storyline.
Check it out below!
SHINee’s Jonghyun to put a halt on activities due to ligament injuries
It has been reported that SHINee’s Jonghyun will be taking a rest from group activities due to his ligament injuries.
Many fans were wondering about the whereabouts of Jonghyun at SBS’s 20th Anniversary event last weekend. In response, SM Entertainment stated today,
“Last month, Jonghyun has been suffering continuous ligament pains in his ankle ever since a slight injury after a performance in Indonesia last month. Because of this, we have tried to minimize intense choreography in performances.”
Let’s all wish Jonghyun a speedy recovery!
Kim Heechul (Super Junior) strikes a pose !
On November 14th, a surprising photo of Super Junior’s Kim Heechul was revealed.
In a photo from SBS Radio PowerFM ‘Kim Heechul’s Youngstreet’, Kim Heechul wore a green long-sleeved shirt, and purple t-shirt and pants. To top things off, he gave a chic expression and pose.
Fans commented, “Why are you so funny?”, “This is perfect”, “Surgical doctor pose?”, “Your clothes look warm…but you’re wearing slippers”.
SNSD’s Taeyeon is being sold on Gmarket?
What would happen if SNSD was put up for sale on the online shopping mall, Gmarket?
A netizen recently created a parody of what it would look like if SNSD’s leader, Taeyeon, was available for purchase.
The netizen marked the price as ‘free’, but as noted in the description, ‘buyers’ can receive a special bonus: “We also provide a gift of 160cm high insoles”, causing netizens to roll over laughing.
What caught the most attention, however, were the hilarious product reviews the netizen created in order to make it look like they were written by the SNSD members. Some include:
Sunny: “This product is weird. To be honest I bought it cause it looked really nice, but the moment I received my product, she locked herself in the toilet and won’t come out. Could you give me another insole?”
Yuri: “Mine’s okay. But the product seems like a pervert. Does the product usually like staring at people’s butts? One night I came out to drink some water, and she was just sitting in the living room by herself, watching R-19 videos. I’ve been worrying about it so much that I can’t sleep. Can I refund?”
Tiffany: “She’s cute and pretty and really small, like a baby. I like how it provided the nickname of ‘Ttae Ttae’ too. But isn’t there a way to make her change languages? She keeps talking in saturi, so I can’t seem to understand her.”
Jessica: “Totally Cute.”
In response to this parody, netizens replied, “I laughed out loud while reading the product reviews”, “I want to buy one too, how about a monthly installment plan of 100 months?”
Hee Chul vs Tae Min
(left) : Heechul (Super Junior)
(right) Taemin (SHINee)
Actually, they are both nearly similar :D
Check this out!!
so, what do you think ? XD
Message from Karam D-NA to Indonesia Fans
Baru-baru ni D.NA Karam menuliskan pesan melalu fan facenya, untuk fans Indonesia
*Karam oppa perhatian >,<
Dia menulis,’Voila! Karam telah dibangkitkan!’
“Saya mendengar bahwa Indonesia mengalami ledakan gunung berapi dan gempa bumi belum lama ini. Beberapa fans kami juga terluka. Bahkan jika mereka tidak fans kami, mari kita berdoa bersama bagi orang-orang di Indonesia yang memiliki waktu yang sulit. Jika ada orang dari Indonesia membaca ini, tubuh dan hati Anda mungkin lelah, tapi saya masih berharap Anda tidak kehilangan senyum Anda.”
Karam juga memberi tahukan bahwa dirinya sedang sakit.
“Ini agak memalukan harus mengatakan ini sendiri, tapi aku sedikit sakit belum lama ini dan pergi ke rumah sakit. Aku tidak seperti di banyak rasa sakit karena semua dari Anda mungkin berpikir. Aku menyesal tapi bersyukur pada saat yang sama ketika aku membaca pesan dari fans nanti. Ketika kami tiba ke Jepang, aku ingin menampilkan gambar yang sehat, jadi aku minta maaf membuat Anda khawatir. Aku benar-benar sehat sekarang, jadi jangan khawatir. Aku makan dengan baik, dan tidak hanya belajar bahasa Jepang, tapi aku juga belajar banyak hal baru dan bersenang-senang bernyanyi untuk melewati hari-hariku. Aku bisa mendapatkan kembali kesehatan penuh karena pesan yang mendukung semua orang.”
Garam mengakhiri dengan “Jay bertambah tinggi 3cm! *tambah 3 cm ? ><* Sisanya tambah gemuk karena kebanyakan makan, di Korea juga sudah mulai dinginkan? Jadi silahkan tetap hangat dan pastikan untuk makan makanan Anda! Kami D.NA penggemar harus tetap sehat! Itulah satu-satunya cara, kami tidak perlu khawatir dan melanjutkan dengan pekerjaan kami di sini. Kami selalu bekerja keras untuk menampilkan gambar yang jauh lebih dewasa dari sebelumnya.”
Dan kabarnya pada tanggal 30 Oktober Karam harus dilarikan ke UGD setelah showcase di Jepang. Sebenernya sebelum acara, Karam dilaporkan telah mengeluh sakit perut, tapi ternyata tidak apa-apa sampai akhirnya ia malah pingsan dan segera dilarikan ke RS terdekat.
Pada tanggal 1 November, seorang wakil perusahaan merke mengungkapkan, “Meski tidak berada di kondisi sehat karena sakitanya, Karam hanya meminum obat penghilang rasa sakit dan berhasil menyelesaikan penampilannya karena keinginannya untuk menggelar konser dengan baik . Kelihatannya radang ususnya itu dikarenakkan karena semua persiapan fanmeeting baru2 ini, “ ujar mereka pada MoneyToday Star News.
Mereka melanjutkan, “Pada saat ini, dia istirahat di rumah sakit tapi kami berencana untuk membuat dia kembali untuk berpartisipasi dengan jadwalnya. Namun, kami akan mengawasi kesehatannya dan membuat jadwal yeang tepat “
Saat ini D-NA sedang menjaditamu untuk acara Jepang, “Made In BS Japan ,” dan Karam masih akan tampil dalam pertunjukan untuk bertemu para penggemarnya. Mereka juga akan pergi ke Osaka, Jepang pada 3 November nanti untuk promosi mereka berikutnya!!
Anyway, get well soon ya oppa! :)
Jeon Ji Hwan [Jay D-NA]
About Jay-Jeon Jihwan
Stage Name: Jay
Real Name: Jeon Jihwan [전지환]
D.O.B: March 31, 1994 (US:15-K:16)
Height: 170cm
Bloodtype: A
*Member of D-NA
*Former Xing member
*former Xing stage name Giparang or Kipalang
*has a older Brother
*Talent is Popping(dance)
*Favorite season is Fall/Autumn
*He says he's persistent but very timid
*His ideal type is just a nice girl
He is MAGNAE in his Group >.<
SHINee’s Jonghyun & Shin Se Kyung confirmed to be dating!
A new couple has emerged onto the industry with actress Shin Se Kyung (21) and SHINee’s member Jonghyun (21), revealing that they are currently dating.
After finding that they both had an interest in one another, they began their relationship about a month ago and has confirmed it through Sports Seoul. The two were revealed to have gotten together as often as they could despite their busy schedules, having street dates mainly around Shin’s apartment.
A scene of the two dating was discovered on October 20th after Shin Se Kyung came home from the conference for her movie, “Acoustic.” Jonghyun was waiting for her by her home as the two went on to walk the streets while listening to music. Jonghyun would even at times cover her from passerbys.
One associate that saw the two commented, “They can’t spend a lot of time together since they’re both busy. They communicate through texting or phone calls and usually just take walks in the early morning around their homes.”
Jonghyun has often named Shin Se Kyung as his ideal woman, while Shin Se Kyung chose SHINee as her favorite idol group on broadcast appearances. They have been officially dating for a month, their first meeting being in May at a concert they both participated in. The two advanced on to friends, and now, significant others.
Another associate stated, “Meeting each other became a kind of opportunity to rest for them. They share a lot of the same hobbies and thoughts, which is why they were able to get so close so fast. The two became stars at a young age and have hardships that aren’t able to be expressed in words. Those points became a sort of strength to one another.”
The management agencies of the couple confirmed the relationship with Sports Seoul on October 26th.
Shin Se Kyung’s agency, Namoo Actors, stated, “It’s been a month since they began meeting one another. They have good feelings for one another and are currently getting to know each other.”
Jonghyun’s agency, SM Entertainment, also carefully stated, “We heard that they met each other through other people. Their relationship is just now beginning.”
Did SHINee And Super Junior Talk About Jonghyun’s Relationship On Sukira?
On the October 25th broadcast of Super Junior’s Kiss The Radio, SHINee guest starred alongside hosts, Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Eunhyuk. From the :37 second mark, Key reads a part of the script that he finds funny and that leads to Eunhyuk spilling something unintentionally.
It was recently revealed that Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung are dating with both of their agencies confirming the couple’s relationship.
Key: “I, Taemin, thinks that when Jonghyun falls for girl groups, he doesn’t seem like a hyung and is truthfully, laughable.”
Onew: “Ah, when Jonghyun falls for girl groups.”
Key: “Is there something behind the reason you gave this example?
Leeteuk: “No, it’s just an example the script-writer gave us. For Jonghyun, it’s not girl groups. I know for sure.”
Eunhyuk: “Girl. [It's just one girl]”
Leeteuk: “That’s right! Not girl groups, girl.”
Jonghyun: “Fortunately, you say it’s girl, not girls.”
Watch the vid here:
I Don't Know Why
Wind blow away your tears, seasons also follow suit
Let go everything and leave the painful piece of memories here
Let go of everything and leave it here, i’m forcing myself
Let’s say goodbye here. I will understand
The loving past (that side view)
Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)
Having an unreachable future
Love is gone. The heart is also gone.
The days that we were in love are gone.
Can only lie repeatedly
Want to forget your name, but still can’t forget
Gone but not all are gone
Let go of everything and leave it here, i’m forcing myself
Let’s say goodbye here. I will understand
The loving past (that side view)
Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)
Having an unreachable future
Crying and fighting back the tears repeatedly for days
Destroyed but not destroyed yet.
Thinking of becoming stronger
Crying and more crying, tomorrow will be better
Cry until the tears are dried
The loving past (that side view)
Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)
Having an unreachable future
Crying and fighting back the tears repeatedly for days
Destroyed but not destroyed yet.
Thinking of becoming stronger
Crying and more crying, tomorrow will be better
Cry until the tears are dried
The loving past (that side view)
Used to describe about tomorrow (slim fingers)
Having an unreachable future
Forward, let’s walk forward and continue the glory forever
Forget, let’s forget everything, it will be alright if it’s you
Gone, my in love days are gone
Forward, let’s walk forward and I won’t forget you forever
Love You Thousand Times
Because it's you, my heart beats (as you may not expect),
my heart doesn't beat because of others
Similar to water a flower pot, your love allows me to live
Because it is you, I can smile, there's no way I can smile because of others
Like the one remaining lamp is a storm, you're a miracle to me
Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
A word that makes my heart beat
When I was meeting you, I was a really happy person
When I open my eyes, I don't know if it's a dream, I'm always anxious
My love, my destiny, I can't lose you
Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
A word that makes my heart beat
In a way it won't hurt me, a protective, thankful word
Really thankful for the person who will grab my hand on an exhausting day
That person is you
When I was meeting you, I was a really happy person
I'll protect you, I believe you, I love you
Though I loved you a thousand times, I want to say it again
The sad and lonely me probably doesn't exist now
You're the only person for me
You, the person directly in front of me, came to me
You did it through our love
Because of You
I... still... can't... get over you
I never forget...
Boy I never forget.... boy
Can't remember how many years it has been since we broke up
But I cry every time when I think about you
Why I’m so eager to see you today?
The sound of rain droplets leaves my heart shaken up.
I regret giving you my love
I regret getting attached to you
I regret holding you back
Why do I have to face the pain alone?
I regret giving you my love
I regret getting attached to you
I regret holding you back
Why do I have to face the pain alone?
I tried to be your only girl
And did you ever understood my heart?
Now it became the compass
Of broken love
Tears are flowing down
And soaks the dry lips
Oh what should I do,
Now I can't erase you out of my mind
I cried a lot because of you (I cried every night~)
I laughed a lot because of you (Because of you)
I believed in the love because of you (Wooh boy~)
I’ve lost everything because of you
I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely
The world without you has
Chewed out my heart
Stomped on my dignity
Torn apart my heart
So why did you leave me behind?
It also rained on that day
You’ve stared at me wordlessly
You’ve stared at nothing else but me
Those trembling gazes,
And the awkwardly forced smile
Speaks of our separation.
I regret giving you my love
I regret getting attached to you
I regret holding you back
Why do I have to face the pain alone?
I regret giving you my love
I regret getting attached to you
I regret holding you back
Why do I have to face the pain alone?
You’ve told me to leave
And the moment leave
You treat me as if I’m insane
It’s just too hard (boy slow down)
Then I cry silently and wordlessly
Cause I want to stay next to u
My luv is true, wanna go back 2 when I was with u
I cried a lot because of you (I cried every night~)
I laughed a lot because of you (Because of you)
I believed in the love because of you (Wooh boy~)
I’ve lost everything because of you
I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely
The world without you has
Chewed out my heart
Stomped on my dignity
Torn apart my heart
So why did you leave me behind?
I miss u… I need u…
Even in my dreams I’m wit u..
I miss u… I need u…
Rewind back the time
I wanna kiss u again ma boy…
My heart aches
It’s too much to bear
And where are you? (I cried a lot)
Can’t live without you
Please come back to me
And stay with me
I cried a lot because of you (Yeah~)
I laughed a lot because of you (I laughed a lot~)
I believed in the love because of you (Oooh-Yeah~)
I’ve lost everything because of you (Because of you~)
I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely
The world without you has
Chewed out my heart
Stomped on my dignity
Torn apart my heart
So why did you leave me behind?
^ Living in the Heart ^
I can't breath I can't smile
everyday so because of you
I can't sleep I can't live
everyday so because of you
Girl , my heart's still warm towards you
It still beats tirelessly
But your heart's cold towards me
It's cold, so cold it may stop anytime
I'm parched for your love
My heart that has been abandoned because it was too dry
And the only source of moisture is the tear dripping down
The smile that shines like the Sun
Is too hard to avoid
Breakups are like
The showering sadness that comes without any warnings
You're still breathing and living on
Within my warm heart
My heart towards you
Thumps all night long
I can't breath because of you
I can't smile because of you
Strangely enough when I smile, tear drips down (like a fool)
You're still living on in my heart
Am I still living on in your heart?
As long as I live (and breath)
I can't forget about you…
I breath because of you Then I smile because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I smile because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I cry because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I cry because of you
I can't breath I can't smile
everyday so because of you
I can't sleep I can't live
everyday so because of you
Just like a cold wind in the winter
The cold and sore breakups
Spun and spun around like the seasons
And it finally has been pushed towards me once again
The beautiful memories
That were once warm like the spring
Our hot love that was once like
The hot summer no longer exists
Our love died out
Just like the falling leaves
The winter I thought it would never come
Finally came and found me
Cold love and people were meant to be
Now, I no longer believe in love…
I can't breath because of youli
I can't smile because of you
Strangely enough when I smile, tear drips down (like a fool)
You're still living on in my heart
Am I still living on in your heart?
As long as I live (and breath)
I can’t forget about you…
I breath because of you Then I smile because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I smile because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I cry because of you
I'm hurt because of you Then I cry because of you
If I did something wrong
Please forgive me, I will repay back in folds
If I could meet you once more
I would do anything for that
I still can't forget about you
The traces of you won't erase
Our important memories that were like a dream (piles up)
I'm still waiting for you
Where are you now?
Isn't it strange, (even as time flies by or)
when I smile tears keeps falling down
Please come back to me
Please come back to me
Please come back to me Girl~
Please come back to me
Please come back to me
Please come back to me Girl~
.+. Love StoRy .+.
Hey, boy
This is a love story
I'm sorry
I want you, bring it back
I want you, need you now
I don't say goodbye, bye
Please don't say goodbye, bye
Baby, I'm so sorry
I love you, I'm so sorry
I fought with your over nothing
In a fit of anger, I said let's break up
Since there still hasn't been a call
I just feel really anxious
White snow falls outside the window
With only the laughter of lovers
This won't do, I can't live without you
I'll call you right now
*I love you, I just want you
Like a fool, I only look for you
Love me again, embrace me again
Come to me
I'm sorry, I was wrong
Can you come back to me now?
I won't say let's break up again*
It was such a stupid thing
I really made you angry
I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna miss a thing
I long for you so much tonight
What am I suppose to do without you?
I can deal with anything else
But it's hard to deal without having you
It's hard, it's hard
When the white snow falls for the first time
Let's meet on this street
We promised each other
I wonder if you still remember
White snow falls
Yearning falls, too
Foolish tears fall, too
I'm waiting
I'm only loving you
From afar, I can see, I can see your image
Like the white snow, you must be coming
Now I won't let you go, I love you
I can never smile without you
I can never live without you
I can never endure without you
I can't love without you
‘New Look’ SHINee oppa at new MV 'Hello'
Let's see new look shinee oppa at MV Hello !
Kyaaaaa ~ Oppa is so handsome lar >,<
Aigoo~ He looks so handsome with his blonde hair ><
Kyaa~ So sweet >< His lips so cute >.<
Jong Hyun
So cool man ! X) Make me melt ! *melt?*
Huyuuh ~ I love his style >< *really love him*
Min Ho
Aigoo~ He is so handsome with short hair >< *wtf ur hair i'll love u always* Really handsome man ! >,<
Tae Min
Aigooo~ Really cute boy >,< Thx for visiting my blog ^^ See ya later ! :)
Watch the TEASER : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNdTd0ph-Io